Our next club meeting

Wednesday March 5th

Barbara Collins


"Spring Surprise"

We look forward to welcoming Barbara back.  The past Chair of the East of England Area of NAFAS,  Barbara is a frequent and very popular demonstrator at the club.

As usual tea, coffee and biscuits will be available before the demonstration commences. Barbara’s arrangements will be raffled at the end of the evening. 

Jan will be there with her sales table, so buy your oasis etc from her for the workshop....it’s so much cheaper!!

Please remember we are now asking members to sign themselves in as they enter the hall and pick their name badge up.  Vistors please go the desk at the entrance to pay.


Tim Meakin’s Workshop Saturday March 29th.  

As always this has been very well supported by the members and there are just 2 places available at £15 each.

 Club Flower Arranging Competition Wednesday March 5th. 

The flower arranging competition is open to everybody who visits the club.  The title is “Spring is in the Air’. Whether you are a total novice or competent arranger please do enter. There will be a prize for the winner and runner up.  Barbara Collins will be judging the entries for us.  The maximum width for your design is 12”  Bring your entry to the demonstration where there will be an area at the back of the hall for you to display it.

Doors open at 6.45pm for a 7.15pm start

Everybody is welcome

Visitor fee £8

The Lady Olivia Hall

85 Central Avenue, Brampton, Huntingdon PE28 4QQ

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