Open meeting with Michael BowyerMichael Bowyer from Salisbury gave us a super demonstration 'Merry bells of Yule' at our Christmas open meeting. The venue was Buckden Village Hall on 2nd December 2015.The event was a success and tickets all sold out. photos Margaret Smith Our Chairwoman Helen Galer. The raffle team, Tessa, Beng and Alf
Jan Dobie organized a festive sales table.
AGM and hanging basket demonstrationJulie Martin of Holwood Nurseries Somersham showed us how to plant upwinter hanging baskets and containers at the AGM on 4th November 2015. Photo Margaret Smith Julie Martin of Holwood Nurseries Somersham showed us how to plant up winter hanging baskets and containers at the AGM on 4th November 2015. Photo Linda Otridge Club night with Amy Jones
Local florist Amy Jones demonstrated 'Autumn Flair' on 7th October 2015.
Local florist Amy Jones demonstrated 'Autumn Flair' on 7th October 2015 Local florist Amy Jones demonstrated 'Autumn Flair' on 7th October 2015 Brampton Village Produce Show
Brampton Village Produce Show was held on Saturday 5th September 2015. There was a floral section with 5 classes which had few entries. Congratulations to club members Jean and Elsie who both won a first prize.
Above and below: club member Jan Dobie created a flower arrangement during the show, and manned our display stands, which raised the profile of our club locally.
photos Jan Dobie
Club night with Lorena Dyer
Lorena Dyer demonstrated 'Diamonds are a girls best friend' on 2 September 2015.
photo Linda Otridge
Coffee morning fund raiser
Club member Jan Dobie kindly held a coffee morning in her garden to raise funds for our Club on 15 August 2015. The weather was sunny and the event was well attended. Our thanks to Jan, her team of helpers, and all who attended. They raised £346 for Club funds, and the raffle raised £70 for the MS Therapy Centre.
photos Margaret Smith
Drawing the raffle Jan Dobie (left) and our President Di Hodgetts(right)
Our thanks to all the bakers, and the washer uppers
Club Outing to Boughton House
Club outing to Boughton House Northamptonshire, with a full coach. We had a guided tour of this wonderful house, followed by lunch and a coach tour of the surrounding estate. 30 July 2015.
30 July 2015. photo Linda Otridge
Echinaceas and lavender in the walled garden at Boughton House.
photo Linda Otridge
Club members exploring the walled garden on the club outing to Boughton House. 30 July Terry Smith
Helen and friends enjoying the walled garden on the club outing to Boughton House. 30 July 2015.
photo Terry Smith
Di and Jan looking at the Montagu monuments in St Edmund’s Church in the conservation village of Warkton on the Boughton Estate. Club outing to Boughton House. 30 July 2015
photo Linda Otridge Margaret in the Gift shop. Boughton House outing 30 July 2015 photo Terry Smith Time to go home. Helen outside our coach. Outing to Boughton House 30 July 2015 photo Terry Smith Fundraising at Brampton Primary School FeteClub member Jan Dobie ran a successful Club fundraising stall at Brampton Primary School summer fete on 11th July, here with helpers Di (left) and Margaret (centre). This event raised the profile of our club in the village, and raised £56 for club funds. Well done Terry Smith Pedestal workshop
Pedestal workshop at Brampton Memorial Hall. A modern pedestal was taught by Ann Moore (left), and traditional by Linda Otridge. July 18 2015
photo Christine Ridall
photo Christine Ridall
photo Christine Ridall
Pedestal workshop morning at Brampton Memorial Centre.
photos Linda Otridge
Margaret creating a traditional pedestal at our Pedestal workshop at Brampton Memorial Centre.
July 18 2015
photos Linda Otridge
Carole creating a modern pedestal at our Pedestal Workshop morning at Brampton Memorial Centre.
Club members created either a modern or traditional pedestal. July 18 2015
photos Linda Otridge
Easter workshop with tutor Ann Bell. Arrangement by ? March 2015. Photo Di Hodgetts |
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Members with their Easter arrangements at the Brampton Flower Club workshop with Ann Bell. March 2015. Photo Di Hodgetts |
Shirley Henderson demonstrating 'Out of Africa', club night, 4.3.15. Photo Margaret Smith |
February Club Night
Barbara Collins kindly stepped in at the last minute and gave us a lovely flower arranging demonstration entitled 'A brighter year ahead', 4.02.15. Photo Margaret Smith |
Barbara Collins arrangement in 'A brighter year ahead' Club night, February 2015 |
Annual lunch
Annual lunch held at the Bridge Hotel, Huntingdon, January 2015 |
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